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What to do when you turn 65

For most people when you turn 65 you will fall into one of three categories:


  1.  You do not have any employer health insurance.  None with your own employer or with a spouses employer. 

  2. You DO have employer coverage through your employer or your spouses employer AND that employer has over 20 full-time employees on the payroll.

  3. Similar to number 2, you DO have employer coverage through your employer or your spouses employer, but the employer has LESS than 20 employees on the payroll.

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Scroll Down and Choose The Option For Your


Watch this if you have no health insurance and are turning 65 soon.

Then, click the button below to set an appointment to talk.

New to Medicare Appointment


Watch if you have health insurance and want to know what to do next.

Then, click the button below to set an appointment to talk about comparing plans.

New to Medicare Appointment


Watch if you have employer health insurance but the company has less than 20 employees.

Then, click the button below to set an appointment to talk.

New to Medicare Appointment

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